IAC, the occupiers of the two factory units situated on the Marston Green side of Birmingham Business Park, have lodged an appeal against the unanimous decision made by SMBC’s Planning Committee on 19 September 2021 (SMBC reference: PL/2021/00189/PPFL)
IAC were refused planning permission to put 388 additional car parking spaces on Green Belt land (abutting Coleshill Heath Road and Blackfirs Lane).
A final, irrevocable decision will be made by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.
The appeal will be considered on the basis of written responses only – submitted by 6 October 2021.
Any comments can be made via:
- The Appeals Casework Portal: https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk, or
- By letter (THREE copies) to Mr.Mike Lloyd, Room 3K, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.
IMPORTANT: You MUST quote the following Planning Inspectorate reference number in your response:
Time is of the essence. It is crucial that the Planning Inspectorate are made aware of the strength of local feeling about the destruction of Green Belt land for car parking and that local residents fully support SMBC’s decision to refuse permission.