Last week the Parish Council’s Groundsmen planted in the region of 300 bedding plants in and around the Garden of Memory and the Pleck to brighten up the village.
Among the most widely used flowers were geraniums, lobelias and marigolds to ensure a mixture of heights and colours across three beds and sixteen hanging baskets.
With strict coronavirus restrictions in place, careful consideration was given on how to carry out the work while maintaining the required social distancing so staff and the public were protected.
Residents may also have noticed that grass cutting has continued during the lock-down and recent weeks with staff changing their working practices to ensure social distancing.
The well maintained grounds provide a safe and enjoyable environment for people to get out and enjoy the fresh air and spend quality time with family and friends during this difficult time.
The Parish Council would like to say a big thank you to the Groundsmen for all their hard work and commitment.
Garden of Memory 1 Garden of Memory 2 Garden of Memory 4 Garden of Memory 3