Creation of Shared Use Cycle track/Footway on Station Road, Bickenhill Road and Coleshill Heath Road

Solihull Council is proposing to convert the newly constructed and resurfaced footways on Station Road, Bickenhill Road and Coleshill Heath Road to shared use cycle track / footway. This process will be done using delegated powers under Section 66(4) and Section 65(1) of the Highways Act 1980, with the intention of converting them into shared […]

Maintenance works to woodland in Marston Green Park

As part of the habitat improvements being carried out as part of the Wildlife Ways project, an opportunity has arisen to carry out important maintenance works to woodland in Marston Green Park. It is proposed these works will take place during the week commencing Monday 11 January (subject to weather and contractor’s programming). The benefits […]

Memorial Christmas Tree

The Memorial Christmas Tree is now in place in the Garden of Memory. It is provided for the residents of the Parish to decorate in memory of their loved ones. In the interest of Health & Safety and especially for young children and pets, it is requested that the following items are NOT used to […]


MARSTON GREEN WARD  of the  PARISH of BICKENHILL & MARSTON GREEN   NOTICE OF VACANCY  IN THE OFFICE OF PARISH COUNCILLOR  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that  Cllr Jessica Rathbone  formerly Member of the above Parish Council has ceased to be Member and that a  casual vacancy […]

A45 Coventry Road, Bickenhill (Eastbound Slip Road at Clock Interchange) Notice of Temporary Road Closure

The Council gives notice under Sections 14 and 15 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991), being satisfied that all traffic should be restricted or prohibited to ensure that the following works can be undertaken in safety: Location: A45 Coventry Road, Bickenhill (Eastbound Slip Road […]